Die Datei smss.exe ist in folgender Software enthalten
Windows XP Home Edition, DeutschMehr Informationen
Version: 5.1.2600.1106 Dateidatum: 2002-08-29 14:00:00 Dateigröße: 45.568 Bytes Dateipfad: C:\WINDOWS\system32\smss.exe Details zu smss.exe zeigen
Windows XP Home Edition, DeutschMehr Informationen
Version: 5.1.2600.1106 Dateidatum: 2002-08-29 14:00:00 Dateigröße: 508.928 Bytes Dateipfad: C:\WINDOWS\I386\SYSTEM32\smss.exe Details zu smss.exe zeigen
smss.exe wurde in den folgenden Reports gefunden:
Technische Details ...and executes these files: %windir%Smss.exe %windir%Csrss.exe... ...This is a non-malicious joke program that is executed by Smss.exe and Csrss.exe once they are running.... ...NOTE: The files Smss.exe and Csrss.exe have the same file names as two system files that reside in the %windir%System32... ...ones in the System32 folder. During execution, the Smss.exe and Csrss.exe files keep the service running, and checking every three seconds to... ...following registry values: Smss.exe %windir%smss.exe... ...process if it is activated. Smss.exe and Csrss.exe also try to create the these registry values, however if they detect... ...(instead of creating them). Finally, Smss.exe and Csrss.exe will also copy the worm to the following files:... Quelle: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.dalbug.worm.html
Technische Details ...File names: SMSS.exe When Adware.DreamAd is executed,... ...Copies itself to the %Windir%SMSS.exe folder. Note: %Windir% is a variable.... ..."Debug" = "SMSS.exe" to the registry key:... Entfernungs-Anweisungen ..."Debug" = "SMSS.exe" Exit the Registry Editor.... Quelle: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/adware.dreamad.html
Technische Details ...AntiVirus will not detect it. Smss.exe: This is an IRC client that... ...Adds the value: "SMSS" = "C:Winntsystem32CatRootsmss.exe"... Entfernungs-Anweisungen ...right pane, delete the value: SMSS Exit the Registry Editor.... Quelle: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/backdoor.irc.flood.f.html
Technische Details ...to hide the mIRC client). SMSS.exe: A mIRC client.... ..."<path to lsass.exe>" "smss" = "<path to smss.exe>"... Entfernungs-Anweisungen ...Scroll through the list and look for LSASS and SMSS. If you find one or both of... ..."lsass" "smss" Exit the Registry Editor.... Quelle: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/backdoor.irc.aladinz.f.html
Technische Details ...qfile.dll smss.exe Soundsystem.gfx (detected... ..."UninstallString"=""%System%wbemmofgoodcom1staticsmss.exe" -uninstall" in the registry key:... Entfernungs-Anweisungen ..."UninstallString"=""%System%wbemmofgoodcom1staticsmss.exe" -uninstall" back to:... Quelle: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/backdoor.irc.aladinz.o.html