Die Datei belt.exe ist nicht noch in unserer Datenbank.
belt.exe wurde in den folgenden Reports gefunden:
Technische Details ...Varies: Bi.dll and Biprep.exe; Belt.exe; Belt.ini; Belt.inf; Susp.exe; Susp.ini; Susp.inf; Mxtarget; FFGDEGOJ.ini... ...%Windir%FFGDEGOJ.ini <Current Folder>Belt.ini <Current Folder>Belt.inf... ...Some samples that Security Response has received of Belt.exe will not install successfully, as the CAB package it attempts to download is... Entfernungs-Anweisungen ...were added to the registry. Delete Belt.ini and Belt.inf, if found. Delete infected .cab files... ...delete the .ini and .inf files Search the system for Belt.ini/Susp.ini/FFGDEGOJ.ini and Belt.inf/Susp.inf, deleting them if found.... ...and paste, the file names: FFGDEGOJ.ini Belt.ini Belt.inf or... ...and paste, the file names: FFGDEGOJ.ini Belt.ini Belt.inf or... Quelle: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/adware.binet.html